
Windows 8 leaning heavily on Windows Phone 7

Post-obit upwards on a mail from before today, where we make mention of Windows 8 and the inclusion of Metro, nosotros have this nice tidbit from Microsoft regarding, well, Windows eight, and the inclusion of Metro.  They take replaced the desktop with a commencement screen that should be familiar to anyone with a windows phone, and, well... The video demo says it all and we could type for hours, and not explain it well enough to practise it justice.

Retrieve alt-tab?  Yep, just a swipe from the left to switch between apps.

The old get-go push button/orb? Swipe from the right.

Remember Aero-snap? Well, expect at Snap now. Re-sizable, and cute.

Remember the horrible old onscreen keyboard? Cheque out the new thumb lath.

And underneath it all, the familiar trappings of Windows 7.

Windows Vista and 7 applications seem to be fully supported, if seeming a lilliputian out of place. We already know that legacy applications will non piece of work on ARM processors without being recompiled, so I would expect a new version of Office to launch around the same time every bit Windows 8.

And so, now we know how Windows tablets are going to look and act, and it gives u.s. an interesting view of a possible future of Windows Phone. The tiles are incredibly flexible, and when we are able to utilize them on a larger screen, they should testify to be very useful tools.

It's non all roses, though, and people that were hesitant to make the switch to Vista or Windows 7 are in for a new stupor. I am willing to bet that the Metro UI can exist turned on and off, only imagine the first time your grandmother accidentally turns it on? And, more importantly, companies are e'er concerned about their workforce, and having to retrain when new versions of software come out. How will decision makers react to the new UI, and how volition Microsoft sell information technology equally a productivity enhancer, every bit opposed to merely an crawly information layer? Think the Mac Dashboard?

And, as a side note, when you are watching the video, lookout man on the right side of the screen for a wall, covered in censoring blur. Permit u.s. know what you retrieve they are hiding in the comments.  And follow the break to read Microsoft's full press on the Windows 8 preview.

Source: Microsoft

REDMOND, Wash. – June 1, 2022 – Today, at the D9 Briefing, we demonstrated the next generation of Windows, internally code-named "Windows 8," for the first time. Windows eight is a reimagining of Windows, from the chip to the interface. A Windows viii-based PC is really a new kind of device, one that scales from touch-but small-scale screens through to large screens, with or without a keyboard and mouse.

The demo showed some of the ways we've reimagined the interface for a new generation of touch on-centric hardware. Fast, fluid and dynamic, the feel has been transformed while keeping the power, flexibility and connectivity of Windows intact.

Here are a few aspects of the new interface nosotros showed today:

• Fast launching of apps from a tile-based Kickoff screen, which replaces the Windows Starting time menu with a customizable, scalable full-screen view of apps.

• Live tiles with notifications, showing ever up-to-date information from your apps.

• Fluid, natural switching between running apps.

• User-friendly power to snap and resize an app to the side of the screen, so you can really multitask using the capabilities of Windows.

• Spider web-connected and Web-powered apps built using HTML5 and JavaScript that have access to the full ability of the PC.

• Fully touch-optimized browsing, with all the power of hardware-accelerated Cyberspace Explorer 10.

Today'southward demonstration followed our announcements earlier this year almost Windows 8 running on Arrangement on a Fleck (SoC) processors, and our browser engine innovations and significantly increased standards support in Internet Explorer 10. Windows eight extends these innovations and reimagines every level of the Windows architecture — the kernel, networking, storage, devices, user interface — all building on the broadest and richest ecosystem of software, peripherals and devices.

Although the new user interface is designed and optimized for touch, it works every bit well with a mouse and keyboard. Our arroyo means no compromises — you get to use whatever kind of device you prefer, with peripherals you lot choose, to run the apps you beloved. This is sure to inspire a new generation of hardware and software development, improving the feel for PC users effectually the world.

Today, we also talked a bit virtually how developers will build apps for the new system. Windows 8 apps apply the power of HTML5, tapping into the native capabilities of Windows using standard JavaScript and HTML to deliver new kinds of experiences. These new Windows 8 apps are full-screen and touch-optimized, and they easily integrate with the capabilities of the new Windows user interface. In that location'due south much more than to the platform, capabilities and tools than nosotros showed today.

Nosotros are excited to bring an innovative new platform and tools to developers and see how their inventiveness jumpstarts a new generation of apps. Windows 8 apps can use a broad set up of new libraries and controls, designed for fluid interaction and seamless connectivity. Apps tin add new capabilities to Windows and to other apps, connecting with one another through the new interface. For example, nosotros showed today how a developer can extend the file picker command to enable picking from their own app content or from inside some other Windows 8 app, in addition to the local file system and the network. Nosotros're just getting started.

And this isn't just nearly bear on PCs. The new Windows experience will ultimately be powered by awarding and device developers effectually the globe — ane experience across a tremendous variety of PCs. The user interface and new apps will work with or without a keyboard and mouse on a broad range of screen sizes and pixel densities, from pocket-sized slates to laptops, desktops, all-in-ones, and even classroom-sized displays. Hundreds of millions of PCs will run the new Windows 8 user interface. This latitude of hardware option is unique to Windows and central to how we see Windows evolving.

The video beneath introduces a few of the basic elements of the new user interface. Although nosotros have much more to reveal at our programmer event, BUILD (Sept. xiii - xvi in Anaheim, Calif.), we're excited to share our progress with you.

(Notation: Video is displayed at the meridian of our article)

Nosotros have and so much more on the way! Nosotros're working very difficult to get the product ready for early on testing, and we plan to kick off our engineering dialogue through our team blog, just as we did for Windows 7.

And so delight stay tuned — we have a lot of cool innovation coming in the months alee.

By Julie Larson-Light-green

Corporate Vice President, Windows Experience

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