
Is A Sponge An Animal Or A Plant

Similar to corals, sponges can exist found along the bottom of the sea. Scuba defined and snorkelers love seeing the diverseness of shapes and colors that sponges produce. The most characteristic shape is the tubular sponge with a couple of branches that have openings at the end. They await like colored rock formations or perhaps a hardened plant. They don't accept eyes, ears, nostrils, and a oral cavity and don't await similar any animals common to the states. So, are sponges animals? Let's find out!

What are sponges?

Animals that don't poop – sponge
Sponges come up in a variety of unique shapes and vivid colors.

At that place are 5,000-viii,500 species of sponges, but the nigh common ones are hollow tubular shaped, with a large opening at ane cease. Y'all can find them attached to rocks or mixed in with corals. If y'all think of a large coral reef, you volition accept sponges mixed in with all of the coral. Sponges found in shallower water are very colorful and tin can be brilliant orange, yellowish, regal, and red. The ones found deep in the sea are unremarkably more neutral in color, like gray and chocolate-brown. They vary in shape and size too.

What are some examples of sponges?

Animals that reproduce asexually – sponge
Tube sponges grow in clusters and can reach iii feet in length!


  • Branching vase sponge: This blazon of sponge looks like a grouping of vases. It has a long tubular opening at the end of each tube. Information technology is institute in the waters effectually Bermuda, Bahama islands, Florida, and the Caribbean. This sponge has a multifariousness of colors, and some are three anxiety tall and 2 feet wide.
  • Yellow tube sponge: This type of sponge is long, skinnier tube-shaped, with openings at the pinnacle. It is brilliant yellow and constitute in clusters. It is located in the Caribbean and tin grow to exist iii feet alpine.
  • Fan sponge: This blazon of sponge looks like a handheld fan with variegated edges. Information technology is usually singular but around other sponges. Information technology can become to be three feet broad and attached to reefs and rocks. The orange fan sponge is one of the most common.
  • Butt sponge: This blazon of sponge looks like a giant butt, and it is fastened to a coral or stone base. It is reddish-brown and also the largest sponge species in the Caribbean. This sponge is establish at about 30-390 feet deep. Some are then large y'all can fit a man diver inside, with an opening six anxiety across!

Are sponges animals?

Yep, sponges are animals. Scientists were not certain how to categorize these creatures. Some thought they were plants because they do non have any internal organs and can't move. Some thought they should be put in a new category all of their own. The more than research done on them, the more proof was found that they are really animals. Sponges are made of cells and fibers. The pores on the side of the sponge draw in water. The cells filter the water for nutrients, and the opening at the superlative expels the waste. Sponges may exist very primitive or simple creatures, but they have the same characteristics every bit animals.

Are sponges alive?

Sponge on a rock
Sponges are alive, and they are animals that need food, water, and oxygen.

Nick Hobgood / Creative Commons

Yes, sponges are living animals that demand food, water, and oxygen to live. They get their nutrient past filtering the h2o they live in. Their diet is very elementary and includes plankton, detritus, viruses, fungi, and leaner. You might not spend hours watching a "Sponge Cam" since they don't motility, but it would be interesting to see all that goes around the sponges in their coral reef ecosystem.

What is in the ocean that is non alive?

candy cane snail shell
Seashells are not alive and are not animals, but they are fabricated by living animals like snails.

Billy Watkins/

Examples of things in the sea that are not alive are seashells. Seashells may look similar to some sponges, but shells are made by mollusks. Sponges are similar our fingernails; nosotros brand them, but they are not alive. Shells are made past mollusks, like clams, oysters, zebra mussels, and snails, that live within the shells. The shells are left empty when they die. Starfish are animals and are alive, but when they dice, they go out the hard starfish "vanquish" behind. Other not-living things in the ocean are rocks, sand, boulders, and sea glass.

What is the deviation between a plant and an animal?

One of the chief differences between plants and animals is that animals typically have the ability to move to get food, h2o, and oxygen. Plants are usually stationary. While sea sponges were thought to be completely stationary, contempo inquiry has shown that some species are capable of movement. When you lot compare plant cells with animal cells, you will find that plant cells accept a cell wall and comprise chloroplasts. This is important! Plants become free energy from sunlight past using photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy. Animals need nutrients from other animals and plants to get energy. Sea sponges do not have cells with chloroplasts, and they exercise not apply sunlight to make energy, and then they are animals.

Practise some sponges move?

In 2016, scientists studying sponges in the Arctic discovered that sea sponges might actually move; not far, but they may be capable of moving. Sending a photographic camera to depths of 580-chiliad meters, they observed trails of sponges where they leave behind parts of their body, or spicules, equally they crawl to a new location, sometimes only a few inches away. As humans, nosotros may selection up and movement because we have annoying neighbors, but for the ocean sponge, it is unclear why they move. The scientists speculated that they were relocating to discover more food or creating a trail that roughs up the surface for juvenile body of water sponges to grow ameliorate.

What other animals live with sponges?

Groups of tiny shrimp live in sponges in a colony.

djpmapleferryman / Creative Eatables

A large multifariousness of other species live inside sponges. We all know the importance of keeping our kitchen sponges make clean so that bacteria don't abound inside them. The same matter happens thousands of feet nether the sea. Other animals that live inside sponges include:

  • Shrimp (like the snapping shrimp)
  • Amphipod crustaceans (less than 10mm, don't have a shell, and look like tiny shrimp)
  • Polychaeta worms (similar bristle worms)
  • Breakable stars (sometimes called serpent stars, have a small-scale circular body with five skinny arms branching out like a starfish)

Can sponges exist kept as pets?

aquatic plant fertilizers
A saltwater aquarium would be needed to have a couple of pet sponges.


Y'all could care for a sea sponge if yous maintained a seawater aquarium. Sea sponges need to have h2o at the right salinity and temperature and need a moving current to filter the water. Sponges besides require lots of planktonic foods that need to be added daily to their surroundings in order to survive. They are somewhat challenging to keep live in captivity, but if you want a brightly colored improver to your aquarium, you lot might want to add together this "pet" (since sponges are animals).

Almost the Author

Cindy Rasmussen

I'm a Wildlife Conservation Author and Journalist, raising sensation and suggesting actions we tin all practise to help wildlife. Equally a erstwhile elementary school teacher I have a love for learning and teaching. My goal is to get kids fired-up about animals. Learning well-nigh the animals nosotros share this globe with makes life better. When I am non writing I am living the skillful life with my married man and six kids (we are down to two that are nonetheless at domicile...and our giant labradoodle, Tango!).

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